Because no matter how old you get or how many kids you may have, your mother will always be your mother. Do not mess with […]
Happy Winter Solstice ?✨
My auntie 姨姨 says that winter solstice day will always be four days before Christmas. If only all the lunar dates were as easy to […]
Love Knows No Bounds
Who knew there would be the day when you’d knowingly – of sound mind and body – eat food that someone has coughed on? When […]
Peanut Butter & Jelly
We weren’t ready to discuss squished pigeons with the kiddo ??♀️
On Commitments
Who can say no to guava cake? Also, hi again ? It’s been awhile. But, the comics have returned. It’s the next chapter of my […]
A Job Interview Question
It’s a valid question to ask when you’re interviewing for a job, no?